Sunday 14 June 2015

[Review] Vichy Normaderm Night Anti-imperfection + rejuvenating care

I bought this in Thailand when I went a trip. I used this before sometimes back and when I have finished this, I was trying to search for it in the local pharmacies but only got to know Vichy has already moved out from Malaysia. :( 
This is an awesome product that save my skin whenever have pimple breakout. So went I saw this in Thailand I was so excited, no second I just bought it straight away. :D :D

Even suitable for sensitive skin

It comes in a tube of 30ml, the content is not alot if want to apply to whole face, will finish the whole tube in no time. But for me, I only use this whenever I have pimple breakout. So actually can use for a very long time. :D

30ml - product made in France

easy to squeeze for the right amount needed

It smells very mild like some botanical smell. So normally I would apply this at night on the pimple spot, and when next day woke up, will notice the pimple has shrunk abit :D
Sometimes if feel the skin is very oily, not smooth especially the T-zone. I will apply this on my entire face, focusing more on T-zone, sometimes on my cheeks as well. Few days later I would feel my skin is smoother and less bumps.

Overall I like this. This is like a first aid product, essential skincare item to save my skin during "emergency" time. :D

Saturday 6 June 2015

[Review] Etude House Wonder Pore Brush

Hehe...... I feel that my face is not clean enough so I bought this brush at .  This is a 7 in 1 solution for total pore solution. 

Here showing the instruction of use. Pretty straight forward ... all in Korean though... hmm... so just see the pictures :P
 how to use a brush on your face> :D
I have used this several times... this is very nice to hold and I feel that the brush is very soft but when use on my face, I feel that the bristles are not fine enough.  Cleansing wise it did a pretty good job for exfoliating my face for a deep cleansing especially on the T-zone which is more prone to blackheads and acne.

One thing I hope is that the bristles could be shorter abit :P now is like kinda long...

white white brush - after using , it can be placed on top of the holder like this for drying purpose, very convenient :D

very cute packaging :D keep the brush in here when not using, keep out from dust and dirt
This is very inexpensive manual cleansing tool that really worth buying if do not the budget to get expensive cleanser like clarisonic :P 

Friday 5 June 2015

[Review] Mizon Multi Function Formula All In One Snail Repair Cream

Finally finished using this cream and now want to share some thought... :D. I bought this from , at quite a fair price... below MYR50. 

Before this I had used snail cream of another brand which I thought it was one of the effective skincare to treat skin problems like scar, dullness, redness etc...  then I saw this brand ... Mizon, which got quite alot of good reviews, so I bought it online to give it a try.

"A high concentration of 92% snail extract promotes skin repair, effectively resolving skin problems." ~ this is what written on its' glass jar. A very standard packing, but no spatula is given.

~Mizon~Snail Repair Cream

Looking at the ingredient, no paraben found, alot of natural ingredient. 

 There is not overwhelming kind of smell, The texture is like in between gel like and cream based... more of a gel like. When apply on skin, it gets absorb fairly quite. Once fully absorb, my skin feels 100% matte, which I feel is abit dry for my skin. ( I have combination skin) So normally I used this in the morning , definitely a no-no to use as night cream because it is not moisture enough for me. So I think this probably best suit very oily / oily skin type.  ^_^

On it's healing effect, after finish using it til the last bit, honestly I did not notice significant improvement on my skin =.=''

Gel like texture, not much smell~

Let me also post here the official description of product here :D

sounds very appealing :D

Well... having said all that... here is a snail quote of the day... :D

  "Opportunity comes like a snail, and once it has passed you it changes into a fleet rabbit and is gone."~Arthur Brisbane