Sunday 14 June 2015

[Review] Vichy Normaderm Night Anti-imperfection + rejuvenating care

I bought this in Thailand when I went a trip. I used this before sometimes back and when I have finished this, I was trying to search for it in the local pharmacies but only got to know Vichy has already moved out from Malaysia. :( 
This is an awesome product that save my skin whenever have pimple breakout. So went I saw this in Thailand I was so excited, no second I just bought it straight away. :D :D

Even suitable for sensitive skin

It comes in a tube of 30ml, the content is not alot if want to apply to whole face, will finish the whole tube in no time. But for me, I only use this whenever I have pimple breakout. So actually can use for a very long time. :D

30ml - product made in France

easy to squeeze for the right amount needed

It smells very mild like some botanical smell. So normally I would apply this at night on the pimple spot, and when next day woke up, will notice the pimple has shrunk abit :D
Sometimes if feel the skin is very oily, not smooth especially the T-zone. I will apply this on my entire face, focusing more on T-zone, sometimes on my cheeks as well. Few days later I would feel my skin is smoother and less bumps.

Overall I like this. This is like a first aid product, essential skincare item to save my skin during "emergency" time. :D

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